Myanmar Relief Fund

Due to the destabilization caused by the military coup in Myanmar, our brothers and sisters need our help!

On the 1st of February 2021, the Myanmar military overthrew the democratically elected government, undoing a decade of progress.  

During the military regime, violence against civilians has intensified, leading to the imprisonment, torture, and killing of thousands. Airstrikes, shelling, and arson have been used to destroy civilian infrastructure, including homes, schools, healthcare facilities, and places of worship. There is systematic discrimination against members of religious and ethnic groups. Many people have been displaced and are facing terrible conditions, while others have been forced to flee across Myanmar’s borders. The military's actions have resulted in a growing humanitarian crisis, with 2.6 million people displaced from their homes and more than 18 million people in need.

In the midst of darkness, Empower International has been used by God to bring the Gospel, food, pand supplies. We are providing temporary housing for displaced people. People are dedicating their lives to the Lord through water baptisms, and children are still receiving a quality education. Without your support, we cannot continue our work there right now. We are asking for your continued support or a first-time donation to this relief fund!

Donate here!


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